Disaster Preparedness Plan
This plan is designed to ensure that you know what our procedures are in the event of a crisis or disaster. If such an event should occur, you can rest assured that we will do everything we can to protect your child. Please read and review this plan.
With crisis or disaster, your cooperation is necessary in the following ways:
- Please do not telephone the school. Telephone lines will be needed for emergency communications for the first four (4) hours.
- Listen to local radio station 1510 AM for updates.
- Provide an out-of-area contact number.
- Provide the school with a 72 hour supply of any medication or medical supplies that your child may need on an ongoing basis.
Spokane Montessori School conducts quarterly disaster drills. These drills include bomb threats, natural disasters, hazardous materials accident and so on. This will be done in addition to our monthly fire drills.
In the event of an actual crisis or disaster, the teachers will care for your child until you or the person you have designated are able to safely pick them up. Be sure to keep your child’s emergency release form updated. Children will only be released to those you have specified on this form. We will also utilize the phone numbers on the emergency release form should we need to relocate to our alternate site.
Our alternate site is: North Wall Child Development Center
(This is located 4 blocks north of our school at 9408 N. Wall)
If phone lines are unavailable, utilize your out-of-area contact number for information. If possible we will call that number to give information on your child and see if you have left any information for us.
Seven Important Steps to Take in a Crisis
- Assess the seriousness of the situation.
- Call 911 and secure everyone’s safety.
- Get assistance for victims.
- Follow appropriate procedures as designated in this plan and according to the typeof crisis.
- Notify families of student/staff involved. This shall be done by the director, or person designated by the director.
- Reassure the children.
- As soon as possible fill out a report and notify the proper officials.
Missing Child
Call 911 immediately. Provide the following information:
- Child’s name and age.
- Address
- Physical and clothing description of child, including any distinguishing marks such as visible scars and/or birthmarks.
- Medical status if necessary.
- Time and location child was last seen and who they were last seen with.
Follow the same procedures as with a missing child plus—
- Follow the emergency lockdown procedure.
- The Director will implement the Crisis Response Plan 3. Vehicle information and direction of travel noted.
Child Abuse
Report abuse or suspected abuse to the Director, or follow SMS policy on reporting abuse. Director or Administrator will make a report to Child Protective Services and licensor.
Director and appropriate staff will write down the following information on an incident report:
- Date and time of calls to Child Protective Services and DEL (licensor)
- Child’s name
- Child’s age/birth date
- Address
- Name and address of parent/guardian and other children in home (if known)
- Any statements made by the child (DO NOT interview the child)
- Nature and extent of injury, neglect and /or sexual abuse
- Any evidence of previous incidents of abuse or neglect, including nature and extent
- Any other helpful information
These reports may become legal document. They must be kept confidential.
Assault on Child or Staff
- Call 911 if any medical treatment is needed or if police are required (if in doubt, call)
- Director will follow “Administrator Responsibilities – Intruder Alert” in Lockdown
procedure - Staff member will stay with the victim
- Victim’s family will be notified by Director or Administrator when safe to do so
- Director will report incident to Licensor
- Director will complete a written incident report at the earliest opportunity
Gas Leak
- Do not activate the fire alarm or any electrical equipment.
- Evacuate children and staff according to evacuation procedure. (Blow the whistle)
- Close doors behind you, but open window. Take the supplies and information with you that will be needed in an evacuation procedure.
- Call 911 from outside the building
- Move the children to North Wall Child Development Center
- Take attendance
- Notify parents
- Report incident to licensor
- Complete a written report
Storm and Snowstorm Policy
If a snowstorm occurs overnight – Spokane Montessori will remain open as long as Mead school district is open, staff is able to get to the school and the school has power.
(Watch news reports, listen to the radio or check online to find out if Mead is operating).
If Mead school district is closed than SMS will be closed (at least for that first day).
Please call daily and check the SMS answering machine to be sure of our status in the event of a major storm.
- If a snowstorm or storm occurs during business hours we will remain open and at the school as long as it is safe to do so.
- If we must close the school the director will notify a parent or emergency contact person with instructions regarding our situation.
- If weather conditions prevent a parent or legal guardian from reaching the facility to recover a child, the
center staff will care for the child (maintaining proper staff to child ratios) until such time as the parent, legal guardian, or emergency contact person can safely claim the child. The disaster supplies will be used as needed. - If the above persons cannot claim the child within 72 hours of the center’s closing the director will contact police to transport the child to a Child Protective Services care site.
- Director will report incident to licensor.
- Director will complete a written incident report at the earliest opportunity.
There will be no refunds of tuition as a result of closure due to external and/or environmental circumstances beyond the schools control.
Power Outage
- Usually our alternate lighting system activates automatically when there is a power outage. If it does not, flashlight and batteries are located in the teachers closet.
- Unplug all electrical equipment, turn off all but one light.
- Contact Mike or Peggy Caprye or Meredith Lombardi
- Call Avista
- If the outage is prolonged, call licensor to see if the school should be closed
- All parents will be notified if power outage is prolonged.
- Report incident to licensor
- Complete a written report.
Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place Procedure should be conducted when you are instructed to do so by emergency personnel, your radio or television emergency broadcast, you see a vapor cloud, or if you smell an unusual odor outside.
- Gather all children inside.
- Call 911, if you have not already done so. Designated person to turn on and listen to local radio station for emergency information.
- Close and lock windows (locked windows seal better).
- Turn off heating and cooling system. Close as many interior doors as possible.
- Seal gaps around doors, window, ventilation vents, bathroom exhaust fans, etc. with plastic.
- Stay alert to loudspeaker announcements. Emergency personnel may give you instructions via loudspeaker or door to door.
- If determined necessary, provide some breathing protection by covering mouths and noses with damp cloth.
- If there is danger of explosion stay away from windows. Close blinds.
- Stay in touch with responding emergency personnel.
- Director and emergency personnel will determine whether to stay sheltered or to evacuate.
- Advise parents not to pick up children until the incident is over. The presence of parents searching for their children may cause confusion and lead to exposure to toxic chemicals. Once sheltered in place, you will not want to open the door to let parents in and out.
- Have emergency supplies and emergency contact cards handy
- Once the incident is over, inform parents, take down plastic, and turn ventilation system back on.
- Report incident to licensor and complete a written report.
Suspicious Mail or Package
- Do not touch, smell or taste unknown substances.
- Cover substance with paper, trash can, clothes or other material.
- Evacuate and seal off room.
- Wash hands thoroughly.
- Mark room as “dangerous”.
- Call 911.
- Make a list of all adults and children in the room at the time of the incident to provide to local health authorities and police.
- Inform Parents
- Report to licensor.
- Complete a written report at the earliest opportunity.
Accidents During Field Trips
- Obtain identity of witnesses; they may be needed to provide information about the accident. Obtain names and telephone numbers.
- Perform the appropriate First Aid procedures if necessary.
- Staff not directly involved in handling the accident should try to keep the other children calm.
- Notify the Director and/or the administrators if they are not on site.
- Contact the parents and direct them to where they can see their children. Rolodex and attendance should be taken on all field trips. The lead teacher is responsible for this.
- A staff person is to accompany the child to the hospital unless the parent is already on the scene.
- Fill out an accident report when back at the school. The staff person who witnessed the accident should fill out the report.
Bomb Threat
Use the telephone Threat Report Form Checklist which is in the top drawer in the office.
Upon receiving a bomb threat, the person receiving the call should make every attempt to:
- Prolong the call as long as possible.
- Identify background noises.
- Note distinguishing voice characteristics.
- Interrogate the caller as to the description of the bomb, where is it planted, when is it due to explode.
- Determine callers knowledge of facility.
- Don’t hang up the phone! Have someone use another phone to call authorities.
- Once the caller hangs up, press*57 to activate phone tracing.
- Call 911
- If it is determined that the threat is valid, the standard fire drill procedures with possible modifications will be executed.
- If it is determined that the building should be evacuated, everyone must evacuate to a safety zone at least 300 feet away from the building or to our school’s alternate site which is North Wall Child Development Center at 9408 N. Wall.
- After all students have been evacuated, all utilities will be turned off by the staff person in charge.
- Do not use a cell phone near the site. The radio waves could trigger the bomb.
- The person in charge will be responsible for procuring the rolodex and the attendance sheet. Attendance will be taken when the students are assembled away from the school.
Building Destruction from Natural Disasters Etc...
- Follow standard evacuation procedures (eg in cases of fire, bomb threat) if evacuation is determined to be necessary by the person in charge.
- Be sure to take rolodex and attendance sheet.
- In any situation involving fire or risk of further building destruction, coordinate with local utility companies to shut off electricity and other utilities. Avista number is listed near the phone.
- In case of an explosion, evacuate only after explosions and flying debris have stopped.
Have students crawl under tables if possible, close eyes and cover their heads with their arms.
Environmental and Hazardous Materials
- Call 911. Follow their instructions.
- Ensure that all students and staff are in the building and remain there.
- Close all windows and doors.
- Keep telephone line clear. Allow emergency calls only.
- Call 911. Follow their instructions.
- Ensure that all students and staff leave the building and that they go to the designated evacuation meeting place.
Presence of a Violent Person
- Talk and move in a calm, controlled manner, so that you don’t encourage panic.
- If it is safe to do so, and can be done unnoticed by the violent person, a staff person can go out the back door and ask to use the neighbor’s phone or a cell phone to call 911.
- Try to keep between the violent person and the children. Try to keep the children calm.
- Don’t try to physically take weapons away from anybody.
- Don’t try to chase anyone fleeing the scene. Observe as much as you can and report your observations to the police.
- After the crisis talk to the children and reassure them.
- Provide parents with a brief overview of the incident so they can be aware and prepared if/when their child wants to discuss it further.
Lock Down
- Lock down procedures will be initiated by the staff person on site who is highest in the chain of command only when it is deemed necessary for the safety of the children, such as the presence of a potentially violent person in the vicinity of the school.
- All doors and windows will be locked. Blinds will be closed.
- No person shall be allowed to enter or leave the building.
- Children will be gathered into one area of the school and every effort will be made to keep them calm.
- The director or highest person in chain of command will make a sweep of all rooms including bathrooms to make sure all children are accounted for. Roll will be taken.
- Lock down will continue until it is deemed safe by the person who initiated the procedure.
Evacuating the Building
- The building will be evacuated during fire drills or in other emergencies as outlined in this disaster plan-or when directed by appropriate officials.
- The designated site for the children to gather for fire drills, or any emergency not requiring evacuation to our alternate site, is on the playground in front of the slide. Regular drills shall be held so that the evacuation can be conducted quickly, calmly and safely.
- Children will be signaled to line up in an orderly fashion at the designated exits for the area they are working in. An adult will lead the line of children to the designated meeting place. An adult will follow the line.
- Upon evacuating the lead teacher will take the attendance sheet and the rolodex with contact numbers with her-unless it is unsafe to secure them.
- The director – or staff person highest in chain of command will make a quick sweep of the building to make sure there are no children left in the building.
- When everyone is at the designated meeting site, roll will be taken to insure that all children are accounted for.
- When the fire alarm sounds, evacuation procedures should begin immediately in a calm, orderly fashion.
- If someone discovers a fire and the alarm has not sounded, that person should blow the whistle that is hanging in the room for that purpose. This will signal the need for evacuation. If it is a small fire and it is safe to do so, a fire extinguisher can be used to extinguish the fire. All staff should know how to use the fire extinguishers.
- Evacuation procedures should be initiated by all staff.
- The staff person who is the highest in the chain of command on the premises shall
meet the fire officials upon their arrival. - Staff should try to keep the children calm.
- No one should re-enter the building unless it is deemed safe to do so by the fire officials.
- If the building cannot be re-entered due to safety reasons, parents are to be called by the director – or other designated person. Parents are to be given instructions about where to pick up their children.
- Fire drills shall be conducted monthly.
- Staff “Drop, Cover, and Hold.” Direct all children to doe the same and remain that way until the earth stops moving. Stay away from windows, bookcases, and filing cabinets. Hold onto the items you are using as a cover. Keep talking to children until it is safe to move.
- If no items are available for cover, crouch by a load-bearing wall and cover your head with your arms.
- If outside, “Drop, Cover, and Hold,” keeping away from glass, bricks, and power lines. If you are outside near a building and there is no safer location, take cover in a doorway to protect yourself and children.
When the earthquake stops, the following procedures should be carried out:
- Staff check themselves and children for any injuries.
- Check evacuation routes for damage.
- Evacuate children and staff, following the evacuation procedure and close doors
behind you. Take the following items with you:- Disaster supplies
- Class/staff attendance and visitor sign in sheets
- Children’s emergency and medical information and supplies
- Cell phone
- Staff will render first aid to those who need it.
- Director will take attendance outside to account for all children and adults.
- Check utilities for disruption/damage. If you smell gas, turn the gas off with the wrench stored in the disaster kit.
- Determine if it is safe to enter the building to locate anyone missing or injured.
- Listen to regional radio station for information on the surrounding area.
- Determine status of emergency supplies and equipment.
- Call program’s out of area contact with information on the center’s status.
- Determine whether it is safe to move the children back into the school.
- If evacuating to another location post a notice indicating your new location, and the date and time you left. Follow site evacuation procedure.
- Call parents with center status information. If not possible, report center status information to local radio station KXLY for announcement over the air for parents to hear.
- If parents cannot be contacted after four hours, the child’s out of area contact will be called, if possible.
- Director will report incident to licensor.
- Director will complete a written incident report at the earliest opportunity.
- During sever weather, director of designee will listen to regional or local radio station for flood watch.
- If a flood warning is issued, move children and staff to the alternate site location if it is beneficial to do so.
- If needed – the Director will notify all parents immediately.
- Director will report incident to licensor.
- Director will complete a written incident report at the earliest opportunity.
- Owners will call insurance company (if needed).
- Whenever severe windstorms threaten, listen to radio/television newscasts.
- If there is danger, do the following:
If inside:
- Drop, Cover, and Hold! Move away from windows, bookshelves and from under the light fixtures.
- Seek cover under desks or tables. Move to the hallway in our classroom that has no windows.
- Be quiet – to hear directions above the noise.
- Do not have the students go outside unless you are directed to do so.
If outside:
- Move away from any building, trees, wires until staff has determined that it is safe to enter the building.
- Once inside the building be sure to stay away from windows, bookshelves and doorways.